Valley diaries, Spain: La Huerta (part 2) Soil Secrets
Valley Diaries, Spain: La Huerta (part 1) Cycling and Drawing Storms
Valley Diaries: Kosciuszko, Mutawintji and Budgie Murmurations
Reflection on reflections: The Art of Flow (Part 1)
Sonañdo con fantasmas y valles: ¿estoy realmente conduciendo?
Dreaming ghosts and valleys: Am I really doing the driving?
Confusion, Conspiracy and Kafka: Planting Seeds of Creativity
What Vipassana taught me about silence, sensations, and a strange new world
How filmmaking is like yoga (part 1)
Best of 2019: Stuff that expands and inspires
Reflections on the tour, Interview with Caroline from Hush Hush Biz and some other stuff
Unconditional love and embracing change - FluxAir Interview
Live from Portland at The Portal Screening
My Thrive Global article
Amandine Roche - The Portal book excerpt - Thrive Global
Creating unity through film. Q+A clip
The Portal...where it all began